Our Initiatives


Our plan is to continue efforts in raising awareness for sexual assault, preventing theft, and securing student information on campus. We hope to solve these problems by improving our campus infrastructure and maintaining positive relationship with the University Police Department.


We will consider broadening the variety and use of mental health resources on campus, mainly by supporting the centers and spaces already available to students. Additionally, we will prioritize strengthening the relationship between Student Government and Student Media. Food and housing insecurity will also be a focus of our administration.


Diversity and inclusion have always been the cornerstone of Student Government, and our administration will be no different. Student leaders, Greek life, cultural groups, religious organizations, and graduate students will all be celebrated and supported throughout our term.


We hope to embody the phrase “servant leadership” during our time in Student Government. To do this, we plan to instill a Service Leadership Training Series, so that every SG member has the tools to make a positive impact on their community. We hope to establish a Standing Department on Community Engagement and Outreach so that we can spread that impact both on and off campus.


In order to make a sustainable impact on campus, we plan to strengthen establishments like the Sustainability Fund and Agroecology Farm in addition to creating community gardens and a Standing Department on Environmental Affairs. We also plan to keep communication open with the Sustainability Stewards and NC State Sustainability Office.